Energy Consultants, Architects & Designers
CHEERS is where energy professionals submit project energy code (Title 24) documentation to receive registered CF-1Rs from the State of California. Registered CF-1Rs outline project compliance with Title 24 and are required at permit submittal.

CHEERS is California’s central Title 24 registration database
Energy Consultants
Register your energy code documentation with CHEERS to receive CF-1Rs for your permit plan set:
- Simple & fast energy file upload
- Assign documents to builders and architects for easy CF-1R signature sign-off
- Download official, watermarked CF-1R PDFs for permit submittal

Architects access CHEERS to register projects for Title 24 compliance, sign documents and find qualified Energy Consultant professionals.
- Easily review and approve Title 24 documentation provided by Energy Consultants
- Use CHEERS to find Energy Consulting professionals who prepare Title 24 documentation
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