CHEERS EARNS 2022 ENERGY STAR MARKET LEADER AWARD CHEERS is proud to announce that it has earned a 2022 ENERGY STAR Market Leader Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in recognition of its contribution in verifying energy efficient new homes and apartments that have earned ENERGY STAR certification. ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments are at least 10% more energy efficient than those built to code and achieve a 20% improvement on average while providing homeowners with better quality, performance, and comfort. |
WHAT IS THE MARKET LEADER AWARD? Each year, the ENERGY STAR Residential New Construction program presents Market Leader Awards to outstanding partners who have made important contributions to energy efficient construction and environmental protection by building or verifying an outstanding number of ENERGY STAR certified homes and apartments. “Our 2022 Market Leader Award winners demonstrate true leadership in bringing energy efficiency to the residential new construction marketplace,” said Jonathan Passe, Chief of the ENERGY STAR Residential Branch. “ENERGY STAR offers a proven whole-house approach that is transforming the residential market to a higher standard of construction quality while protecting the environment for all.” |
CHOOSE CHEERS FOR REGISTERING YOUR T24 DOCS Partnered with the EPA, CHEERS implements ENERGY STAR and WaterSense programs in California. By registering your energy code documentation with CHEERS, your projects can seamlessly transition to these (and other!) above code efficiency programs with ease. Not a CHEERS user? Make an account today! |