With CHEERS, Energy Consultants and HERS Raters can now qualify additional dwelling units (ADUs), multi-family apartments and condominium projects for the 45L tax credit. Most eligible multi-family projects qualify for the $2,000 Energy Efficient Home Tax Credit due to strict California building code.
- single family and custom spec homes
- duplexes & ADUs
- apartments & condominiums
- multi-family projects 3-stories above grade and less
- production homes and community builds
You can also do the following:
- retroactively claim the credit 3 years back (revenue generation)
- transfer projects from CalCERTS into CHEERS for 45L certificates
- use the status bar and see which projects qualify
45L + Energy Consultants
When Energy Consultants upload an energy file for Title 24 compliance, the file is automatically reviewed by DOE approved 45L software integrated into the CHEERS Registry. Most projects pre-qualify due to strict California building code.
HERS Raters + 45L for Multi-Family & ADUs
HERS Raters complete their normal field testing and verification required for the builder clients. The 45L eligible certifier verification requirements are similar to, if not the same as, the inspections already required for California HERS compliance. HERS Raters can generate a 45L Certificate for a project at the same time they input their CF3R inspection data.